Saturday, June 27, 2015

Sabías que la Cándida, la enfermedad silenciosa, puede estar afectando negativamente tu cuerpo?

Hace unos meses atras, una amiga mia empezó a tener grandes problemas con su piel. Los doctores primero le dijeron que tenia una alergia a algo que había comido, después le dijeron que era una rara infección que el sol hacia que se empeorara, y por ultimo le dijieron que era uticaria.   Cada vez le prescribían una crema o esteroides. Nada le ayudaba.  Por encima de eso, estaba teniendo varias infecciones vaginales. Yo empece hacer una investigación y note que toda las síntomas que tenia, concordaban con la Cándida.  Primero que todo no tenía idea qué era Cándida, hasta que me comencé a informar. Así que lo comparto con ustedes, porque me impactó muchísimo y pienso que muchos deben estar igual que yo:


La Cándida es un hongo benigno que se genera por el consumo de levadura y azúcares, que reside en el tracto digestivo y forma una parte integral de la ecología intestinal en pequeñas cantidades. De hecho, los hongos (cuando están en balance con bacteria buena) ayudan a la digestión y a sintetizar vitaminas y enzimas. Los hongos existen en todas partes, especialmente en lo que comemos. El problema es que cuando hay una sobrepoblación de este hongo, se vuelve un parásito, y puede sembrar raíces en nuestros tejidos y comenzar a colonizar. Esto resulta en una inflamación crónica que contribuye a enfermedades degenerativas y mútliples problemas de salud. Se estima que alrededor del 80% de estadounidenses sufren de Cándida de forma crónica


Disfunciones inmunes
-Exposición a metales tóxicos
-Toxinas internas por mala digestión
-La cándida puede estar consumiendo tus nutrientez, oxidando las vitaminas esenciales y sustituyendolas por toxinas. 

Reducción de bacteria buena en el tracto digestivo
-Consumo de carbohidratos refinados, alcohol y cafeína
-Grandes cantidades de azúcar, aún en comidas saludables
-Los antibióticos matan la bacteria buena
-Drogas inmunosupresivas (quimioterapia, esteroides, estrógenos sintéticos y progesterona, pastillas anticonceptivas y zeno estrógenos)

Alteración en el pH intestinal
-Consumo de medicamentos que bloquean el ácido (bloquean también hierro, vitamina B6 y zinc)
-Reducción de enzimas digestivas
-Reducción de ácido hidroclórico

La mayoría de hombres, mujeres e inclusive niños son propensos a verse afectados. Las mujeres son 8 veces más propensas!


-Ansiedad, depresión, problemas emocionales, miedos irracionales, pánico, enojo, irritabilidad, problemas para dormir, hiperactividad, baja autoestima
-Asma, tos, problemas paranasales, dolor de garganta, reflujo, mal aliento
-Hinchazón, Diarrea, Constipado, gas, gastritis, acidez, indigestión, dolor intestinal, náuseas, ansiedad por comer, antojos, sensibilidad a ciertas comidas, hipoglicemia, cólico
-Acné, eczemas, psoriasis, infecciones en la piel, salpullidos, pie de atleta, hongos en las uñas, caspa
-Confusión, problemas de concentración, problemas de memoria, dolores de cabeza, migraña
-Síndrome premenstrual fuerte, calambres, problemas sexuales, infecciones vaginales, cistitis, infertilidad
-Alergias, fatiga crónica, músculos adoloridos, articulaciones inflamadas, gota, aumento de peso


Síndrome auto inmune
-Afecta nuestro sistema nervioso
-Interfiere con las hormonas del metabolismo (pituitario, tiroides, adrenal)
-Altos niveles de alcohol generan problemas a nivel cerebral
-Al bajar el amino acido Taurino, puede causar hígado graso

Enfermedades asociadas
- Diabetes, Cáncer, Cardiovasculares, Alzheimer, Enfermedades Pulmonares, Artritis, Enfermedades autoinmunes, Problemas neurológicos

Probióticos : Restauran el balance gastrointestinal, contrarrestan

Vitaminas, Omega 3: Restauran humedad y deficiencia de nutrientes

Enzimas digestivas: Promueve la buena digestión y absorción de nutrientes

Suplemento de fibra: Absorbe toxinas y reduce síntomas de la eliminación de Cándida

Vitamina D: Sana problemas de Gota y reduce inflamación

Tratamientos Anti-hongos:
Aceites esenciales: Limón, Melaleuca, Oregano, onGuard

Cambios en estilo de vida:
Ejercicio, Consumo de frutas y vegetales


Ver programa de desintoxicación adjunto:

GX Assist: Fórmula limpiadora que contiene una mezcla de aceites esenciales 100% puros doTERRA (Oregano, Melaleuca, Limón, Zacate de limón, Menta, Tomillo y Ácido Caprílico), que ayuda a mantener un sistema digestivo saludable al crear un ambiente no deseado para aquellos patógenos dañinos del ambiente. Formulado para ser usado por 10 días como un limpiador preparatorio antes de usar PB Assist+

PB Assist+: Es una fórmula de fibra probiótica y 6 sepas de microorganismos probióticos para toda la familia. Entrega 5 mil millones de cultivos probióticos y probióticos solubles FOS que fomentan la adhesión de cultivos y su creicmiento. El sistema de entrega de la cápsula de liberación tiempo doble protege los cultivos probióticos sensibles al ácido del estómago. Apoya funciones digestivas e immunológicas saludables

Zendocrine cápsulas: Ayuda a los sistemas de filtración y de control de desperdicios del cuerpo, contiene una mezcla de 14 extractos integrales en un sistema patentado de envío de enzimas. Apoya la función de limpieza y filtración del hígado, riñones, colon, pulmones y la piel.

Zendocrine aceite: Desintoxica el cuerpo, es una mezcla de los aceites esenciales de Clavo, Toronja, Romero y Geranio. Apoya la función del  hígado y puede usarse solo o en combinación de las cápsulas Zendocrine

Nota: Dependiendo del nivel de cándida que haya en el cuerpo, puede que la persona requiera completar hasta 3 ciclos de GX Assist + PB Assist antes de dar el soporte final a la desintoxicación


Vitalidad de por Vida:
CRS+: Protección antioxidante al ADN celular y otras estructuras celulares importantes

MicroPlex VMz: fórmula de alimentos integrales biodisponibles de vitaminas y minerales que son a menudo deficientes en nuestras dietas

xEO Mega: Fórmula revolucionaria que mezcla aceites esenciales (Tomillo, comino, naranja, menta, jenjibre, alcaravea y manzanilla alemana) con lípidos marinos y vegetales para apoyar la salud cardiovascular, inmunológica y cerebral, ayudando también a las articulaciones.

TerraZyme: Complejo digestivo de enzimas. Apoya la producción constante de enzimas críticas para las funciones bioquímicas saludables, fomenta la digestión saludable de los nutrientes de los alimentos y el metabolismo celular de los nutrientes en energía, ayuda a la digestión de proteínas, grasas, hidratos de carbono complejos, azúcares y fibra.


GX Assist + PB Assist: afiliado doTERRA $60.50, público $80.67 + impuestos y envío

Zendocrine: afiliado doTERRA $24.5, público $32.67 + impuestos y envío

Vitalidad de por Vida (3 productos): afiliado doTERRA $79.50, público $106 + impuestos y envío

TerraZyme: afiliado doTERRA $37.50, público $50

Para los que aún no se han afiliado, pueden hacerlo, aprovechando todos los beneficios doTERRA (sin compras mínimas, descuentos de por vida y más) con el siguiente kit: 

Kit Limpia y Restaura: incluye PB Assit, GX Assist, Aceite esencial de Limón, Zendocrine, TerraZyme y Vitalidad de por Vida (3 productos) por $195 + impuestos y envio

Friday, June 19, 2015

¿Vale la Pena Comprar Aceites de Calidad?

Existe  un número creciente de productos que claman ser o contener aceites esenciales. Éstos  varían en precio y calidad y se pueden encontrar en productos para el cuidado  de la piel, cosméticos y aromaterapia, entre otros. Sin embargo, muchos de  estos productos no usan aceites esenciales al 100% y a menudo usan fragancias  sintéticas con substitutos químicos para diluir o sustituir extractos de  aceites esenciales mas costosos. Los aceites esenciales de grado terapéutico  son 100% compuestos aromáticos naturales puros, que son cuidadosamente  extraídos de las plantas. No contienen rellenos o ingredientes artificiales que  puedan diluir sus cualidades activas. La extracción adecuada y métodos de  control de calidad también aseguran que los aceites esenciales de grado terapéutico  estén libes de cualquier contaminante como los pesticidas y otros residuos químicos.

Además  de ser 100% naturales y puros, los aceites esenciales de Grado Terapéutico Certificado Puro dōTERRA son sometidos a pruebas de calidad muy  avanzadas que aseguran la composición correcta de los compuestos activos  naturales encontrados en cada aceite. Aunque un aceite esencial pueda ser 100%  puro, si las especies adecuadas o parte de una planta no ha sido usada, o si la  planta no ha crecido en el ambiente correcto o ha sido cosechada en el tiempo adecuado,  o si no ha sido destilada bajo las condiciones correctas, la composición  química natural de la extracción no va a proporcionar los poderosos beneficios  esperados. En algunos casos, la cosecha inoportuna de las plantas puede  resultar en un extracto que contenga niveles dañinos de algunos componentes.

Los  aceites esenciales de Grado Terapéutico Certificado Puro dōTERRA están  garantizados a ser 100% puros y naturales y libres de compuestos sintéticos o  contaminantes. Exceden ampliamente los estándares de calidad de AFNOR e ISO y  son sujetos a pruebas rigurosas de espectrometría de masas y cromatografía de  gases, para asegurar la composición y actividad del extracto. Los aceites  esenciales dōTERRA 100% puros, representan los aceites más seguros  y benéficos disponibles hoy en día y están garantizados para superar la  satisfacción del cliente por su calidad y eficacia. Los consumidores  experimentados en aceites esenciales van a reconocer inmediatamente los  productos superiores DōTerra en el primer uso.

Pruebe esto en casa: Compare el olor del aceite esencial 100% de lavanda dōTERRA con algún otro aceite o producto de lavanda que encuentre en su casa. Si la fragancia de su producto es dominante, podría contener sustitutos químicos sintéticos. Un aceite esencial de grado terapéutico puro 100% debe tener una fragancia balanceada y despejada además de oler nítidamente. Ahora, compare la sensación de su producto al aceite esencial dōTERRA. Un aceite esencial puro no debería sentirse resbaloso o aceitoso, se debe absorber y penetrar limpiamente y completamente en su piel.

Are Quality Oils Really Worth the Money?

The question should be: Are cheaper oils really worth what they cost you?

Your friend tells you about aromatherapy, and how much better it has made him feel.  (I'm not being sexist here; it's just that aromatherapy is for men, too.)  In his enthusiasm, he gives you a CD or DVD on the oils, and encourages you to listen to it.
Wow!  You never imagined that aromatherapy had so much potential! 
So you rush right over to your health food store and buy a bottle of lavender  and another of frankincense.  You got them both at a very good price (quite a lot less than what your friend paid).  You're happy and all excited about getting started using the oils. 
Scenario uno: You try your oils and it's a big "So what?"  You can't quite figure what you friend was so excited about. 
Scenario dos: You show your newly-purchased oils to your friend, he takes one look at them, and his eyes roll back in his head.  He is not pleased.  (I know your friends wouldn't actually do that.  This is a hypothetical story.) 
And, as he tries to explain that there are different qualities of oils, with different results stemming from their use, your mind can't get past the question: Why should I spend $28.00 for a bottle of lavender oil, when I can get the same amount at my health food store for $6.95?  Can there really be that much difference between oils? 

A rose by any other name … 

While Shakespeare may have been right that "A rose by any other name would smell as sweet", when it comes to effective aromatherapy, calling something "rose oil" doesn't make it so.  It takes 5,000 pounds of rose petals to produce one pound of rose oil; and to completely extract the oil, and have it retain its full fragrance, chemistry and frequency intact, requires a careful, two part distillation process.  This makes a quality rose oil very expensive — and very hard to find.  If you can buy a 15 mL bottle for $50.00, you can be sure that it's not very good. 

What you smell may not be what you get 

Here is the problem: Aromatherapy has become quite a fad, and an ever-growing number of marketers, seeing its money-making potential, have jumped on the essential oils bandwagon, looking for an easy way to make a lot of money.  They're finding innovative ways to sell anything they can call aromatherapy. 
Mostly, what you find are cheap imitations: some sort of oil base to which they've added synthetic chemicals to create a fragrance.  Glade® PlugIns® Scented Oil would fall into this category.  I can guarantee you: their Lavender Meadow® has never seen a lavender meadow. 
To give you an idea of how ridiculous this is, statistics show that one company — Procter & Gamble — uses two times the amount of essential oils than are actually produced in the entire world.  It makes you wonder: Just what are they calling essential oils? 
Some companies market essential oils that have been cut with synthetic chemicals or blended with cheaper hybrids.  This is quite common with lavender.  For example, according to the Lavender Growers Association, 100 times more "lavender oil" was exported from France than is actually grown there.  
Just where did all that lavender come from? 
I've recently sampled some lavender oil from a big name American company.  The oil was imported from France and certified as organic.  It smelled nice; but, when I compared it to dōTERRA 's lavender oil, its aroma was very weak and lacked the deep, complexity characteristic of a quality oil.  Then, I applied some to my forearm.  Not good.  Instead of the energy lift I get from dōTERRA 's lavender oil, I actually felt a drop in energy.  And, instead of being very soothing like it should be, it irritated my skin. 

A vast difference in essential oil quality and effectiveness

As you can see, there are vast differences in the quality of oils on the market today.  This is only partly reflected in the vast differences in prices for these oils.  Some brands of lavender oil, for example, are selling for a small fraction of what others cost.  (On the other hand, other companies inflate their prices, buying very cheap, poor-quality oils, and selling them as therapeutic-grade at whatever price the market will bear.  However, that's another story ….) 
Please note: If you buy a cheaper oil, chances are you're not even getting even what you pay for.  You must remember that aromatherapy is about more than just the smell.  That $5.00 to $10.00 bottle of frankincense you get at the health food store might smell fine to you; but, there's no way it will provide you with the therapeutic benefits of dōTERRA's frankincense oil   When you look at what you get for your money, $90.33 ($69.75 with the wholesale discount) is a very good price. 

Aromatherapy is far more than just the smell 

While some of these so-called aromatherapy products present a pleasing fragrance (at least to a chemically-oriented nose), can cover unpleasant odors, and may have some limited value in relaxation, they have no real value for true aromatherapy.  In some cases, these so-called aromatherapy products can create serious problems, from allergic reactions to irritations to chemical burns. 

The quality of the oil makes all the difference

There are at least 200 different companies marketing essential oils in North America.  However, in terms of supporting your health and wellness goals, the results you can achieve with these oils can be verydisappointing.  It is important to understand that there are many grades of essential oils; and, most essential oils available in the United States are of the lowest grade and quality. 
Using pure, therapeutic-grade oils can make all the difference in the world. 
It's a very fundamental fact: Effective aromatherapy begins with therapeutic-grade essential oils.   And today, doTERRA offers you the very best, certified pure, therapeutic-grade essential oils, complete with all the chemical constituents needed for effective aromatherapy intact. 

With essential oils, pure is just not enough 

It's not enough that an essential oil marketer claims that its essential oils are "pure", "organic" and/or "Grade A". 
  • To many marketers, purity means only that the oil doesn't contain a base oil or some other essential oil — that is: that it's not cut or diluted.  The question of whether or not the essential oil is adulterated with chemicals or solvents is not even considered. 
  • Likewise, that an essential oil is marketed as organicis little indication of its quality.  Organic oils certainly can be better than others, but many oils that are produced from organically-grown plant sources are still contaminated with chemicals during processing, or extracted in a way that produces poor quality oils. 
  • Even Grade A oils may lack many of the properties of a truly therapeutic-grade essential oil, even though they may be sold as such. 

Why is the quality of so many essential oils so bad? 

Producing a quality oil, suitable for aromatherapy, requires a lot of skill, patience and expense.  Quite frankly, most producers don't find it worth their trouble to do it right. 
Because about 98% of all essential oils are not produced for therapeutic purposes, but for the perfume or cosmetic industries.  Much of the remaining 2% is used for food flavoring (although any of these might be sold for aromatherapy).  These industries are only interested in the oils' aromatic qualities (that is: that they smell good); and so, techniques are adopted to produce greater quantities of these oils at a faster rate, without any concern for their potential therapeutic benefits. 
This has a major impact on the quality of the oils. 
Few people appreciate how chemically complex essential oils are.  The average essential oil may contain anywhere from 80 to 200 chemical constituents.  However, these aromatic molecules are very fragile and not easily extracted from the plant material.  Taking shortcuts in the production process will render the oil therapeutically void.  Therefore, it's possible that, even though an oil is considered pure or Grade A, it may still contain only a fraction of its possible complex chemistry and therapeutic value. 

In aromatherapy, cosmetic, perfume and therapeutic-grade are not the same.

To most people, these oils smell exquisite; but they lack any true therapeutic properties.  It's all in how they're produced.  Many of the important chemical constituents necessary to produce therapeutic results are either flashed off with the high heat of quick production methods, or are never released from the plant material, due to shortened distillation times. 
Less than two percent of the oils on the market today are produced for therapeutic applications.  However, many of the oils produced for the cosmetic or perfume industry are being sold in the United States as therapeutic-grade.  (A rose by any other name may still be a rose; but, a marigold is still a marigold, even if you call it a rose.) 

Shortcuts in distillation of essential oils by commercial distillers.

The traditional method of distillation, used for centuries in Europe, is to steam-distill essential oils in small batches, for extended periods of time, using low pressure and low heat.  This method of distillation is critical — absolutely vital — in preserving the fragile aromatic molecules in the oil.  Oils that are subjected to high heat and pressure during processing will have a distinctly simpler and inferior profile of chemical constituents, since excessive heat and pressure will fracture and break down many of the delicate aromatic compounds within the oil — some of which are responsible for its therapeutic action. 
For example, the distilling process for lavender should not exceed three pounds of pressure, and the temperature should not exceed 245° Fahrenheit.  The distillation time is about an hour and a half, one batch producing about a pound of essential oil.  But in France, because of the costs involved with proper distillation of the essential oils, the traditional method of distillation is being abandoned in favor of high-volume pressure cookers, designed to operate at over 400° Fahrenheit, and over 50 pounds of pressure.  The lavender that is produced commercially (and sold to the United States as therapeutic-grade) is often distilled for only 15 minutes, with a steam temperature of 350° Fahrenheit, and 155 pounds of pressure.  Although the oil is easily marketed and sold, it is of very poor quality. 
Another example is cypress oil  It requires 24 hours of distillation, at 245° Fahrenheit, and five pounds of pressure, to extract all of its active ingredients.  If distillation is shortened by only two hours, 18 to 20 of the oil's chemical constituents will be missing.  But, to cut costs, most operations today increased the pressure and heat, and cut distillation times to only one hour and 15 minutes. 
The result of this is not only oils that are lacking many of the aromatic molecules essential for therapeutic applications, they also create oils that are inert — lifeless. 
Nutritionists and health experts agree that a key element in determining the effectiveness of a wellness product is how "alive" it is, or how much organic energy remains after the natural substance has been processed into product form.  The high heat and pressure used in the distillation of most essential oils effectively kills them.  Consequently, they can have little positive effect on the person using them. 

Other quality-compromising extraction practices.

Essential oil producers also use other methods to increase the quantity of oil extracted, which also have dramatic effects on their chemical and medicinal action.  These include: 
  • Re-distillation: In this method, the plant material is repeatedly distilled, to maximize the volume of oil, by using second, third, and fourth stages of steam distillation.  With this method, each round of distillation generates a successively weaker and less potent essential oil. 
Oils distilled in this manner are also degraded, due to prolonged exposure to water used in the re-distillation.  This water can hydrolyze or oxidize the oil, and begin to break down the chemical constituents responsible for its aroma and therapeutic properties. 
  • Solvent extraction: This method yields an extremely poor quality oil, but one that is high in toxic substances.  Yet, there are many solvent-extracted oils sold in the United States as therapeutic-grade. 
  • CO2 extraction: In this method, CO2 is forced through the plant material at very high pressure.  It yields an oil with a distinctively strong fragrance that, to the untrained nose, might seem truly wonderful.  However, its chemistry is out-of-balance, and the high pressure used to extract the oil fractures some of the fragile chemical constituents, altering their unique properties.  I've tried some of these oils, and I wouldn't recommend them to anyone.  They have a definite artificial quality to them, and simply don't have anything like the therapeutic benefits of a quality oil. 

Essential oils and chemical adulterations

Essential oil producers have come up with other ways to cut costs.  These include: 
  • The use of solvents in the boiler water: This increases oil production by as much as 18%.  However, when you put a chemical into the water and force it, with steam, into the plant, it causes a fracturing of the molecular structure of the oil, altering its fragrance and constituents.  It is also impossible to separate out the chemicals from the oil after they come through the condenser.  It should be noted, as well, that the chemical contamination resulting from this will totally wipe out the energentic benefits of the oil.
  • The adulteration of essential oils with synthetic chemicals or "extenders":  This is even a greater concern. 
In France, the production of true lavender oil dropped from 87 tons in 1967 to only 12 tons in 1998.  During the same period, the demand for lavender oil grew over 100%.  And, according to the Lavender Growers Association, 100 times more "lavender oil" was exported from France than is actually grown there. 
This raises the question: Where did this extra oil come from?  Where did essential oil marketers obtain enough lavender to meet the demand? 
The answer: They probably used a combination of synthetic and adulterated oils.
It is a little-known fact that most of the  lavender oil sold in America today is actually a hybrid called lavandin, not lavender.  It's grown and distilled in China, Russia and Tasmania, and brought into France, where it is heated to evaporate (flash off) the camphor, cut with synthetic linolyl acetate to improve the fragrance, added to propylene glycol or SD 40, DEP, and DOT (solvents that increase the volume), and then sold in the United States as lavender oil.  Consumers don't know the difference, and are happy to buy the "lavender" for $7.00 to $10.00 per half ounce. 
Frankincense is another example of a commonly adulterated oil.  The frankincense  resin that's sold in Somalia costs between $30,000 and $35,000 per ton.  A great deal of time — 12 hours or more — is required to properly steam-distill this essential oil from the resin, which makes it very expensive. 
The frankincense oil that sells for $25 per ounce — or less — is invariably distilled with gum resins, alcohol or other solvents, which, while cheaper to process, leaves the essential oil laden with harmful chemicals.  This frankincense is then extended by the addition of colorless, odorless solvents, such as diethylphthalate or dipropylene glycol.  This yields a very low-quality essential oil — if it can even be called that anymore.  Yet, the only way to distinguish the authentic from the adulterated is to subject it to rigorous analytical testing, using state-of-the-art chromatography, mass spectroscopy and other advanced testing methods. 

Aromatherapy and synthetic fragrances.

Beyond the problem of adulterated oils, there is also the practice of skipping nature altogether, and manufacturing so-called essential oils in the laboratory. 
There are huge chemical companies on the east coast of the United States that specialize in the duplication of every essential oil that exists.  For every kilogram of pure essential oil that is produced in the world, it is estimated that there are between 10 and 100 kilograms of synthetic oil created. 
And, while chemists have successfully re-created the main constituents and fragrances of some essential oils in the laboratory, these synthetic oils lack any therapeutic benefits, and may even carry serious risks
Because real essential oils contain hundreds of different chemical compounds, which, in combination, lend important therapeutic properties to the oil, and balance the therapeutic actions of other essential oil constituents.  (See the article on Essential Oils Quality & Safety.)  Also, many essential oils contain molecules and isomers that are impossible to manufacture in the laboratory, leaving the synthetic oils incomplete.  And, just as importantly, no one has been able to solve the problem of manufacturing life.  You must never underestimate the importance of kinetic energy in the oils as a therapeutic agent. 

A final word: the importance of the real deal

Adulterated oils present real dangers for consumers.  Anyone venturing into the world of aromatherapy must use the purest quality oils available.  Inferior quality, adulterated oils most likely will not produce therapeutic results, and they can be very detrimental.  There's the basic issue of toxicity; but also, petrochemical solvents, such is propylene glycol and diethylphthalate, can all cause allergic reactions. 
Adulteration of essential oils will become more and more common as the supply of top-quality essential oils dwindles and demand explodes.  These adulterated essential oils will jeopardize the integrity of aromatherapy in the United States, and may put many people at risk. 
And then, there is the issue of mislabeled oils.  The lavender oil you purchase might actually be lavandin, a hybrid lavender that is chemically very different from true Lavandula angustifolia.  Lavandin contains high levels of camphor (12 to 18 percent), and can burn the skin.  In contrast, true lavender contains virtually no camphor. 
dōTERRA®: Guaranteed quality for safe and effective aromatherapy. 
With dōTERRA, you can be assured that the oils you purchase are of the very hightest quality.  Every oil is carefully — and thoroughly — tested, to guarantee that it contains the full chemical profile necessary to be used effectively in aromatherapy.  DōTERRA does not stop with the standards set up for the food flavoring or perfume/cosmetic industry; but looks at the chemical profile that is needed to support your health and wellness goals. 
Unlike other essential oil companies today, doTERRA goes to extraordinary lengths to bring you only the finest quality oils available anywhere.
Source: dō