Wednesday, July 13, 2016

The Dangers of Laundry Detergent

On July 23rd, 2008, the University of Washington did a study on leading detergents.
What they found is that 99% of laundry detergents released cancer causing chemicals that are legally hazardous and toxic by the EPA(Environmental Protection Agency)
Most of them were NOT on the label. That's the scary part.
Many detergent companies use top-secret formulas that contain the very same chemicals listed as hazardous. They call it something else, yet it's still the same toxic stuff.
The most deadly of all these chemicals is something called nonylphenol ethoxylate. I know, it's a mouth-full! I can't even spell it... and... this chemical is so toxic...

  • It's BANNED in Canada, and in ALLof Europe! Yet the United States continues its use.

  • It is a major ingredient in pesticides. It's used to KILL insects.

  • It is extremely harmful to your body because it imitates the hormone 'estrogen'

  • When these artificial hormone like chemicals get into your blood stream through your skin, they start to cause serious damage to your body.

  • The Journal of Pesticide Reform shows strong evidence that these chemicals cause severe damage to heart and muscle function.
Before I go on any further, let me answer a question I get all the time:

How These Chemicals May Damage
Your Health And Your Body

Most people ask: "I've been using laundry detergent all my life, what's the big deal?"
Just like lead poisoning, the effects of these chemicals usually are not instant, they gradually eat away at your health over time, because they are absorbed through your skin.
Your skin is like a sponge. The chemicals in laundry detergent end up on your clothes, they are never rinsed completely. As you wear them on your body, the chemicals soak into your skin.
Have you ever had dry, itchy, or irritable skin in area where you wear clothes? Do you ever get headaches when cleaning?
These may the initial 'mild' symptoms of these toxins in your body. Over time this toxic gunk can build up in your body and begin to wreak havoc on your immune system and over-all health.
I am not saying these chemicals are the main cause of disease... However, companies shouldn't have the right to put toxic chemicals into something you put on your skin, and on your children, without you knowing about it.
Over the past 30 years skin-cancer rates have increased dramatically, and the cancer rate in America is now 1 in 3. Yes... one in three people get cancer. It used to be just 1 in 5 not long ago!
I personally know over a dozen people who have cancer, have died of cancer, or have had cancer ...including my grandfather who passed away last year. How many do you know?
While there's no magic pill to cure the serious illnesses rampant today, removing these toxic chemicals, from your life is definitely a step in the right direction, because...

Quite Simply: These Chemicals Are Proven and Known Cancer Causing Toxins!

One of the main ingredients in all laundry detergents is a chemical called formaldehyde.
What's so bad about formaldehyde?

  • The EPA reports that formaldehyde causes cancer in animals and may do so in humans.

  • Formaldehyde is the same chemical used to preserve dead bodies for dissection!

  • In addition to severe allergic reactions, this gas can also irritate your breathing and cause nausea.
And there's a problem with this chemical. It smells really bad.
To solve this problem, companies use other 'nice smelling' chemicals that cover up this toxic smell.
Whenever you see the word 'Fragrance' on the list of ingredients in a product, it looks quite innocent, however it's by far one of the most toxic chemicals in existence. They use it to cover up the smell.
When shopping for laundry detergent, what is the first thing you look for?
After the price, you want to know what it smells like. You may think you are choosing between spring blossoms and mountain rain, but you might actually be sniffing formaldehyde and inhaling these 'nice smelling' chemicals...
These 'nice smelling' chemicals are called 'fragrance' or 'phthalates', they build up in your skin, and your body...and...

According To The U.S. Center for Disease Control: These Chemicals Are Linked To Liver Cancer.

It's a known fact that these chemicals pollute the air and water while increasing your risk of developing liver cancer. In 2005, the U.S. Center for Disease Control wrote a report which punched out this very fact!
6 types of these chemicals are now illegal - however, many of them are still used in chemical detergents.
The government isn't the only group that has announced this chemical harmful...
The Environmental Working Group Organizationsays that these chemicals cause problems in the testicles of exposed male animals, while Women’s Voices for the Earth reports that these toxins may harm male children and reduce sperm count.
In the book Living Green, author Greg Horn talks about the harm caused by these chemicals, such as...

  • Damage to your sex & reproductive system

  • Severely reduced sperm counts in men.

  • Abnormal breast development in infant girls.
All this is because these chemicals mess with your hormones, which keep your body balanced and working properly.
While this stuff may smell like flowery perfumes escaping your wash cycle they may trigger asthma in your children and cause the development of new allergies.
If cleaning leaves you with a headache or cranky mood, don’t think that it’s just you, your body may be simply responding to these chemical neuro-toxins.
If you are wondering why companies use such harmful chemicals, the answer is this: money. Natural fragrances, such as essential oils, are expensive. This stuff is cheap to make, and companies make millions selling by the truckloads every day.